Raw Coconut Cashew Cookies


1 cup medjool dates

3/4 cup raw cashews

1 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil

1/4 cup shredded coconut

1/2 tsp vanilla extract (or 1 vanilla bean scraped)


In food processor, mix dates and cashews together until a sticky ‘dough’ is formed. (Note, it will not ball up like dough, but if you press it together with your fingers, it will stick together.  At this point you can add more dates or more cashews as needed.  If it is not sticky enough, add more dates, if it is too sticky, add more cashews.)

Add in coconut oil, shredded coconut and vanilla and mix together in food processor on low.

Place parchment paper in a baking dish.  Pour mixture into baking dish.  Chill for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.  After mixture has chilled, roll into ‘cookie’ shape.  Enjoy!

Be sure to store in the refrigerator, will last up to about a week and a half (but they are so delicious you probably won’t need to know their shelf life!).

Recipe created by me.